Sunday, October 31, 2010

Really? Air Fresheners are Illegal?

1. A law that bans objects hanging from the rear view mirror, that restrict drivers vision is being rethought. Most people are not aware of this law and it is not enforced very well.
2. "The bill doesn't specify what size items must be before they are considered too big, and gives officers discretion to pull over drivers." This quote sums up what this bill basically is. It has no set restrictions on the size or nature of the objects but just gives police officers another way to pull a driver over, or ticket them.
3. I disagree with this law completely because most objects besides large gaudy decorations do not block a drivers vision to any significant degree and its giving police officers another reason to pull a driver over and the choice is all theirs on if the driver can be ticketed or not.

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

The Race Card

1. Alboms point is that the race card is being overused by colored celebrities, specifically Lebron James over the controversy of leaving his home team.

2. I agree with Albom completely. It gets annoying when celebrities or anyone pulls out the race card to shed any wrongdoing. It is an unfair excuse that the media eats up in there attempts to please everyone, especially in there effort to be non-racist.

3. Albom was most effective with his little side story of a person named Leo that was not a minority. He says
"Because ego knows no color. Whether it's Leo or LeBron." He effectively shows here that it was not in fact a race issue, but a problem with Lebron's grossly inflated ego that made him so delusional that he blamed his sudden popularity change to the worse, on racial background. Albom conveys to the reader that Lebron had been brainwashed into thinking he was perfect, and he thought he could not be at fault for anything.