Monday, February 7, 2011

I Failed

The night before the day where I was supposed to be limited to communicating only through illustrations, I had high hopes. I even thought it would be fun. I was wrong. The amount I communicate through words was evident as I sat struggling to get through physics class without talking. I made it through the hour, only after resorting to not trying to communicate at all. The media limited me, and my communications to others.
Another interesting experience was lunch. By that time I had already given up and embraced the idea of taking a quiz. Everybody at the table was not a quitter at this endeavor like I was. It was a very boring and confusing lunch. If the people at the table could of communicated better it might not of been a problem. However, the real problem lied with the media they were using to communicate their message. No matter how hard they tried they were limited by what they had to communicate to me with.


  1. Your discussion of lunch time really captures the confusion and frustation from the perspective of the person taking on the challenge and the listener. Not only was it hard to convey messages, but it was difficult to comprehend them.

  2. I agree with you that this assignment seemed like it would be easy in theory but once we actually had to stop talking it turned out to be extremely difficult. I like that you discussed that trying to understand what other people were saying was also difficult, that it wasnt just trying to say something, but also trying to understand whay they are trying to say.
