Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Being Green Post-Death

1. Conserve, reuse and recycle are the keywords here, but mostly the "reuse'" my favorite.
2. The theme or point to this essay is that reusing can take many forms, and that donating your body to be a future cadaver is a legitimate way to be green by reusing. When the author, Semrau, keeps information from the reader early on it better communicates the theme to the reader. The theme and Semrau’s sly way to reinforce his theme can be seen when he writes “Conserve, reuse and recycle are the keywords here, but mostly the "reuse'" my favorite.” He puts reuse in quotes to hint that there is other ways than a normal person would think of to go green by reusing. “My favorite” shows the reader that Semrau endorses this portion of going green. The rest of his theme can be found in his simple statement “Please consider joining me”. By withholding the advertisement to be a cadaver until the very end he has opened the readers mind to other ways to go green that may not be obvious to the reader. The whole story about his previous career and his dreams of being a surgeon set the stage for him to finally reveal his point, by engaging the reader in a green reusing mood than throwing his point out in the open.

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