Thursday, December 9, 2010

Language tools in Hymns?!?

The theme of Martin Luther’s hymn “Savior of the Nations Come” does not stray from its title. The whole song is centered upon Christ and has his birth as its theme. Luther has several language tools in his arsenal to help get his theme across to the singer and listeners. In his arsenal it is clear, however, that Luther likes using pathos to affect his listeners by going through their emotions to get his point across. Pathos is prevalent in the line “Wondrous birth! O wondrous Child of the Virgin undefiled!” Luther targets the emotions by using exclamation points and moving adjectives like “Wondrous”. While using pathos to describe the incredible birth of Christ through emotion he slips in another language device also. Repetition joins with pathos to create a sense of overwhelming joy. Another language tool that goes along with Luther’s use of pathos is rhyme. Although it may be over looked in the hymn because it is a song, it makes the verses flow and create emotion in the singer by making a beautiful tune. This delicate web of language tools effectively portrays Luther’s theme of Christ’s amazing birth flawlessly, in the form of a catchy heart-warming tune.

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